Django Books Pdf

Book Name: Building Django 2.0 Web Applications
Author: Tom Aratyn
ISBN-10: 978-1787286214
Year: 2018
Pages: 408
Language: English
File size: 2.32 MB
File format: PDF

Django Books Pdf Online

Go from the initial idea to a production-deployed web app using Django 2.0.

Django 2 Web Development Cookbook (by Jake Kronika) Django 2 by Example (by Antonio Mele) Django 2.1 Tutorial (by Hojun Lee and Suwon Choi) Yes, you may heard a lot of other books to learn Django, they’re also good but these are the latest books available and also easy to understand. Let’s see each book in detail. 5 Best Django Books.

Key Features

  • A beginners guide to learning python’s most popular framework, Django
  • Build fully featured web projects in Django 2.0 through examples.
  • Deploy web applications in quick and reliable fashion with Docker

Building Django 2.0 Web Applications Book Description

This project-based guide will give you a sound understanding of Django 2.0 through three full-featured applications. It starts off by building a basic IMDB clone and adding users who can register, vote on their favorite movies, and upload associated pictures. You will learn how to use the votes that your users have cast to build a list of the top 10 movies. This book will also take you through deploying your app into a production environment using Docker containers hosted on the server in Amazon’s Electric Computing Cloud (EC2).

Next, you’re going to build a Stack Overflow clone wherein registered users can ask and answer questions. You will learn how to enable a user asking a question to accept answers and mark them as useful. You will also learn how to add search functionality to help users find questions by using ElasticSearch. You’ll discover ways to apply the principles of 12 factor apps while deploying Django on the most popular web server, Apache, with mod_wsgi. Lastly, you’ll build a clone of MailChimp so users can send and create emails, and deploy it using AWS.

Get set to take your basic Django skills to the next level with this comprehensive guide!

Django 2.0 Tutorial Pdf

What you will learn

  • Build new projects from scratch using Django 2.0
  • Provide full-text searching using ElasticSearch and Django 2.0
  • Learn Django 2.0 security best practices and how they’re applied
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app almost anywhere with mod_wsgi
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app to AWS’s PaaS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app with Docker
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app with NGINX and uWSGI

Who This Book Is For


Python With Django Pdf

If you have some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Python and want to build fully-featured and secure applications using Django, then this book is for you.

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Table of Contents

  1. Building MyMDB
  2. Adding Users to MyMDB
  3. Posters, Headshots, & Security
  4. Caching in on the Top 10
  5. Deploying with Docker
  6. Starting Answerly
  7. Searching for Questions with Elasticsearch
  8. Testing Answerly
  9. Deploying Answerly
  10. Starting Mail Ape
  11. The Task of Sending Emails
  12. Building an API
  13. Deploying Mail Ape