Autodesk Vault Downloads

Autodesk Vault 2017 Products

Autodesk Vault maintains all the changes stored in the database. In what date the change is applied by whom are all recorded on the file. You can search all editions and when necessary. For changes, any user should then check out Checkout work to the current version of the file is stored in the database. May 11, 2018  Vault Basic 2019 is an entitlement that comes with some of the Autodesk products. If you have purchased these products and are having difficulty finding Vault Basic, here are a few simple steps to download the Vault Basic (Server & Client) from the Account Portal.

21st March 2016

This file contains information that became available prior toreleasing Autodesk Vault 2017 or that you will find useful while usingAutodesk Vault 2017.

Forthe latest version of this file please see the Autodesk Vault Products Release Notes Page

System Requirements for all Vault products are accessiblethrough the Vault install

DISCLAIMER: Migrating data from a Betaproduct to the released product is not supported.

  1. ADMSInstall Information

Vault Client

  1. VaultClient Information

If you experience problems not covered in this Readme orhavequestions about the Vault family of products, there are a variety ofresources available to help answer your questions.

  • Visit the AutodeskVault Online Help web site to get up-to-date information onall the Vault features, as well as installation and configurationinformation.
  • Learn how to plan your New Installation of Vault or the best practices for Migrating to a new version in Autodesk Vault Online Help .
  • Visit the AutodeskProduct Support web site for information about availableupdates and white papers outlining best practices.
  • Visit the VaultDiscussion Group to see what other Vault users are saying,see if someone else has already answered your question, or post a newtopic.
  • Please go to the Vault Customization discussion groupif you have any questions about the Vault API
  • Visit and subscribe to any of the Vault blogs:
    • Under theHood for vault news, utilities, and tips and tricks.
    • Crackingthe Vault for answers to popular Vault questions.
  • Watch helpful videos about Vault functionality on theVaultKnowsAll YouTube channel.
  • Sign up for the Autodesk Customer FeedbackProgram to participate in the Beta Programs and othercustomer feedback events.
  • Vault Sample files are now available at
  1. Add-inInformation

Vault for Inventor Products

  1. Add-inInformation
  1. Vaultfor Revit Products

Vault Synchronization with Buzzsaw

Vault for Microsoft Office

Thin Client

Vault Office

Legal Notice

Autodesk Data Management Server Install Information

  • If you have previous Beta Vault products installed on yourmachine,you will need to uninstall them prior to installing this release.
  1. Uninstall the client software from all machines.
  2. Open the Beta ADMS Console.
  3. Delete all vaults and libraries.
  4. Delete the master vault.
  5. Uninstall ADMS.
  • If Vault 2017 has been downloaded from the web, ensure thattheextracted files from the previous releases have been removedbefore extracting Vault 2017.
  • Vault2017 ADMS requires ASP.NET 4.6 be enabled when installing IIS on thesystem. If you encounter an error during ADMS installation, go to Start> Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows featureson or off> .NET Framework 4.6 Advanced Services and enable ASP.NET 4.6.
  • Autodesk Vault 2017 installs.NET 4.6 to your operating system.
  • Toavoid potential install failure when installing Autodesk Vault 2017,make sure the following Microsoft updates are installed on your machinebefore starting the installation.
    Windows 2012 R2: KB2919442; KB2919355
  • Removing Autodesk Data Management Server will not removevault data. If you remove Autodesk Data Management Server, the SQLserver directory and file stores will remain intact. However, Autodeskstrongly recommends backing up all databases and necessary files priorto removing Autodesk Data Management Server.
  • Bydefault, Autodesk Data Management Server communicates using port 80.Some installed software running on port 80 can cause conflicts withAutodesk Vault communication. To avoid conflicts when installing theADMS console, configure ADMS to use an open port between 1 and 65535.
  • If you are planning on usingWindows authentication within Vault Professional when using WindowsServer Operating Systems, the 'Windows Authentication' service for IISmust be installed.
  • When installing the ADMS console on a machine that uses acustom default web site and port 80, one of the following steps isrecommended:
    • Change the port of the Default Web Site to anothernumber and restart the server installation.
    • Remove the default web site and restart the serverinstallation.
  • When using a remote SQL server, you will have to configurethe Remote SQL settings during the installation process.
  • It is recommended that you allocate the recommended orhighersystem requirements when running Autodesk Vault 2017 in virtualenvironments. As virtual environments could cause unexpectedconsequences, Autodesk reserves the right to ask that any customerreported problems be reproduced on a physical machine outside of theVMware environment. Autodesk Vault 2017 was tested on VMware ESXiversion 5.0 and VMware Workstation versions 9.0.1 and 10.​​
  • For information on certified virtualization vendors andtheir respective solutions, see Microsoft’s products list atServerVirtualization Validation Program home page.
    • Microsoft’s support policy for Microsoft softwarerunning in non-Microsoft hardware virtualization software can be foundhere.
    • Microsoft’s support policy for Microsoft SQL Serverproducts running in a hardware virtualization environment can be foundhere.

SQL ServerInstall Information

  • Vault Workgroup and VaultProfessional ADMS install 64 bit SQL Express 2012 SP2.
  • An issue has been discovered with SQL access after .NET 4.6 has beeninstalled on the same machine. The issue found is that the Vault Serverwill be unable to connect to the SQL Database Engine using the TCPprotocol when the Vault Server and the SQL database engine areinstalled on the same machine. Until a Microsoft fix is available, itis recommended that you edit the protocol priority in the SQL Configurationmanager. In the manager, place Shared Memory first followed by TCP thenNamed Pipes. Make sure the that Shared Memory protocol is enabled forthis to work properly.​
  • Wheninstalling Vault Server using Local Language on Local O/S, thefollowing message may appear: 'This SQL Server setup media does notsupport the language of the OS, or does not have the SQL ServerEnglish-language version installation files. Use the matchinglanguage-specific SQL Server media; or install both thelanguagespecific MUI and change the format and system locales through theregional settings in the control panel.' ReferenceMicrosoft Link for moreinformation.
  • Autodesk Vaultfunctions in a SQLfailover cluster configuration in which it is unaware of the clusterand does not require reconfiguration of Vault if and when a failoveroccurs. This is known as the AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances(FCI). More information about this configuration can be foundat AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances.Before configuring this feature, Windows Server must be configured for Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC).When using Vault within a SQL failover cluster environment,workflows occurring during a failover may be interrupted and requirerepeating the workflow. ​
  • If your computer/domain is set up to require strong/complexpasswords, you will not be able to use the default SQL SA password usedby the Autodesk installer. Please use the Configuration pagestin theAutodesk Data Management Server install to specify an appropriate SApassword. Check with your IT administrator to get the requirements fora strong/complex password.
  • When using a non SQL SA account to install Vault 2017Server, ensure that the user has been granted sysadminprivileges.
  • When using the Default SQLExpress 2012 SP2 in the Vault 2017 Server installer, it isnot possible to use a non SQL SA account to install.
  • When using SQL Server 2014, alldatabases must remain at the SQL 2012 compatibility level. Newdatabases created using the ADMS Console will be set for 2012compatibility level automatically.
  • Installing SQL onto a computer that has the Program Filesfolder compressed is not supported and will cause the install to hang.
  • Autodesk Vault 2017 installs SQLExpress 2012 SP2 using the Network Service account for SQL services.SQL Express 2012 SP2 cannot be installed on a domaincontroller under a local service account or a network service account.
  • Forsecurity reasons, Microsoft recommends that you do not install SQLServer on a domain controller

IIS InstallInformation

  • If intending to use Windows Authentication when logginginto Vault,the Windows Authentication checkbox in IIS must be enabled. SeeTechnicalSolution TS15739768 for more information.

Migration -Working with Legacy Vault Data

Supported MigrationVersions
VaultBasic 2015
Vault Workgroup 2015
Vault Professional 2015
VaultWorkgroup 2015 R2
Vault Professional 2015 R2
Vault Basic2016
Vault Workgroup 2016
Vault Professional 2016
  • If you are migrating from any previous release, Autodeskstronglyencourages reviewing and understanding the readme of each version ofVault being skipped, including this readme.
  • When upgrading from a previous release of Vault Server, itis strongly recommended that you perform a backup first.
    • In order to create the backup in a connected workgroupenvironment,all files should be replicated to the publisher. To do this, log in tothe ADMS Console on the publisher and select each site one at a timeand select “Replicate Site Now” via a Right Mouse Button click. Thismay take time to complete and the backup should be done after allreplication is complete.
  • Detaching a Vault and attaching it to a new serverinstallation without also attaching the KnowledgeVaultMaster is notsupported and will lose all non-default users and corresponding data.All detach and subsequent attach cases should include all Vaults aswell as the KnowledgeVaultMaster.
  • When migrating largevaults, there may be a long delay before the progress dialog is shown.The delay can exceed 10 minutes depending on the configuration of thevault.
  • Migrating from one OS to another OS when OS formatting(RegionalSettings) is different between the two is NOT supported. Prior toupgrading to ADMS 2017, OS formatting on the target server must bechanged to match that of the originating server.

  • When performing an in-place upgrade from previous releasesofADMS with Content Center Libraries, the existing Content CenterLibraries must be migrated prior to installing the new Content CenterLibraries.

Support forPrior Vault Clients and Add-Ins

  • The Vault 2017 ADMS supports the use of any Vault 2015release,Vault 2015 R2, and Vault 2016 release clients which match the Vaultedition of ADMS.
  • The Vault 2017 ADMS supports the use of any Vault 2015release, Vault 2015 R2, and Vault 2016 release Add-Ins.
  • It is not recommended to administer Vault or Globalsettingsthrough an older client. All administration of Vault and Globalsettings should be done through ADMS Console or a Vault client of thesame release as the Vault server.
  • New functionality available in Vault 2017 will not beavailable in prior releases of Vault clients and add-Ins.
  • Some functionality in a Vault 2017 client may not workwhen only anolder version of the CAD application is installed or if an olderversion of the CAD application was last run. Running Inventor View 2017or the 2017 version of the CAD application and then retrying theoperation may resolve the issue.


  • Property indexing for AutoCAD file types may not work iftheAutoCAD based product is installed on the same machine as the VaultServer (ADMS). If indexing problems are encountered, a repair on theADMS Console installation should resolve the issue.
  • ​There are some instanceswhereby theContent Index Service does not work after an Upgrade/Migration has beenperformed. Ensure that the Autodesk Job Dispatch Service is restartedand running after an Upgrade/Migration has been performed.
  • When the Vault Server (ADMS) and Vault Client areinstalled on thesame x64 machine, the Client should be installed after the Server(ADMS) install. Otherwise certain Vault client operations(e.g.,Batch Plot, Update View) may result in an error.

  • In order to view PDF thumbnails an iFilter must beinstalled on the server. A PDF viewer such as PDF-Xchange Viewer may beused to enable PDF thumbnails. Any viewer should be installed afterAdobe Reader on the server machine. A reboot and Re-Index of FileProperties is also required after the viewer is installed.
  • Unitsof Measure conversion factors are now processed and stored as doubleprecision values. Previously Units of Measure conversion factors wereprocessed and stored as single precision values. As a result migratedvaults containing custom Units of Measures will have their conversionfactors displayed as double precision and may not show the exact samevalue as displayed in previous releases. For example, an existingcustom Units of Measure with a conversion factor displayed as 3 in aprevious release will now be displayed as 2.99999991059304. However anewly created custom Units of Measure with a conversion factor of 3will be displayed as 3.
    System Units of Measureconversion factors will be migrated to have the correct doubleprecision conversion factor.
  • In Vaults being migrated from previous releases wherelifecycle states did not have a control bit set, the states will nowhave a control bit set for first and last iterations moving forward(e.g., Item Release Process, Work in Progress, and In Review States).
    Users migrating from 2015 R2 who have explicitly set no control bit onspecific states will need to re-apply this configuration aftermigration.​
  • The IBM Sizing Guide is no longer available. The IBM Sizing Guide topics in the installation help are incorrect.

AVFS Information
  • Please refer to this page for Vault File Server Installation and configuration instructions
  • TheAutodesk Vault File Server (AVFS) 2017 installer may crash whenupgrading from Autodesk Vault File Server 2015/2016 using a custom(non-default) port. To proceed, add the following key into the server’sWindows Registry before starting the upgrade procedure:
    Registry Key:
    On servers with Autodesk Vault File Server 2015 installed:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskPLMAutodesk Vault File Server19.0Install
    On servers with Autodesk Vault FileServer 2016 installed:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskPLMAutodesk Vault File Server21.0Install
    Registry Value(String): IISWEBSITENAME
    Registry Data: Autodesk Data Management


VaultClient Install Information

  • If Vault 2017 has been downloaded from the web, ensure thattheextracted files from the previous releases have been removedbefore extracting Vault 2017.
  • Please visit the Vault Online Help for the full list of applications for whichthere are supported Vault Add-ins.
  • Sample files are now available at
  • Autodesk Vault 2017 installs.NET 4.6 to your operating system.
  • Ifyou encounter any error during .Net 4.6 installation on Windows 8.1,reboot your machine and try the installation again. For moreinformation, please refer to Microsoft support page.
  • Toavoid potential install failure when installing Autodesk Vault 2017,ensure following Microsoft updates are already exist on your machinebefore starting the installation.
    Windows7: KB 2533552
    Windows8.1/Windows 2012R2: KB2919442; KB2919355
  • It is recommended that you start Autodesk Design Reviewafter installation and check for any updates.
  • Autodesk Vault 2017 supports side-by-side clientinstallationswith Autodesk Vault 2015, Autodesk Vault 2015 R2, and Autodesk Vault2016.
  • To install Vault 2017 add-ins, ensure add-ins are checkedduring the installation. By default they are not checked.
  • VaultAdd-Ins for supported CAD applications can only log into the edition ofthe Vault Server that matches with the edition of the Vault Client fromwhich the Add-Ins are installed. For example, if you have a Vault BasicClient installed on your workstation, you cannot log into VaultWorkgroup or Vault Professional Server from Inventor. You will have toinstall the Vault Client that matches with the edition of the VaultServer in order to log in successfully.
  • This scenario assumes that theVault 2017 CAD Add-Ins are installed on top of the Vault 2016 CADAdd-Ins. Inthis situation while uninstalling the Vault 2017 CAD Add-Ins, the Vault2016 CAD Add-Ins must be removed from the Vault 2016 Add/RemoveFeatures in order to completely uninstall the Vault 2017 CAD Add-Ins.
  • If the install directory is a non-English directorystructure you will not be able to view the help file.
  • Before installing a Vault client, make sure the Betaversionof DWG TrueView has been removed, otherwise the required version of DWGTrueView cannot be installed by the Client.
  • Performing“Checkout” on a folder which contains user restricted files may notcheck out all of the files available for checkout.
  • Itis recommended that you allocate the recommended or higher systemrequirements when running Autodesk Vault 2017 in virtual environments.As virtual environments could cause unexpected consequences, Autodeskreserves the right to ask that any customer reported problems bereproduced on a physical machine outside of the VMware environment.Autodesk Vault 2017 was tested on VMware ESXi version 5.0 and VMwareWorkstation versions 9.0.1 and 10.​​
  • For information on certified virtualization vendors andtheir respective solutions, see Microsoft’s products list atServerVirtualization Validation Program home page.
    • Microsoft’s support policy for Microsoft softwarerunning in non-Microsoft hardware virtualization software can be foundhere.
    • Microsoft’s support policy for Microsoft SQL Serverproducts running in a hardware virtualization environment can be foundhere.
Autodesk vault professional

VaultClient Information

All Vault Editions
  • ​Borrowing of Vault licenses is possible withVault 2017, however, there may be situations where this will result inunexpected errors. If that occurs or if you want to block user(s) fromborrowing Vault licenses altogether, you can do so by referring to theINCLUDE_BORROW section (under Options File Syntax) of theLicenseAdministration.pdf that can be found under the install directoryfor Network License Manager. The sample syntax for the options file forblocking users from borrowing Vault licenses may look like this:INCLUDE_BORROW 86646VLTM_2017_0F USER noname​​
  • ​File and Folder Moveconfirmation prompt isoff by default. To enable the confirmation, please change thefrequency from 'Never Prompt' to your desired behavior under Tools-> Options -> Manage Prompts from the Vault Client.
  • MappingText with Number or Text with Date: Works well when all clients and theserver are in the same language-locale. With mixed locales values mayconvert in a manner that is not intuitive and may produce anundesirable result. Therefore, mapping Text with Number orTextwith Date is only recommended when the server and all clients areworking in the same locale.
  • Copy Design
  • The last run version of Inventor on your machine will beusedfor operations in the Vault Client, such as Copy Design. If the lastrun version of Inventor is older than the version of the files you arechanging through the Vault client, then the Vault client will displayan error. For example, if you last ran Inventor 2016 on your computerand try to do a Copy Design on files last saved in Inventor 2017 theCopy Design will fail.
  • Copy Design on a substitute part results in the new partreferencing the original derived assembly.
  • When using Copy Design on an assembly that uses derivedcomponents, if you attempt to change the master sketch on one file, itwill replace the master sketch on all files referencing the mastersketch. It is recommended that you copy all instances. Copying onederived part but reusing another referencing the same master sketch isnot supported.
  • All library files may easily be set to Reuse byright-clicking on the main assembly and selecting Reuse Library Files.
  • Purge
    • Reference Repair Utility is no longer available fromAutodesk Vault 2017.
    • If you are upgrading from earlier releases of Vault to Vault 2017 pleaserun the Reference Repair Utility on the earlier releases and fix theissues before upgrading to Vault 2017.
  • Rename
    • Renaming a Folder containing a large number of filesmay take longer to complete the operation.
Vault Workgroup andVault Professional
  • AutoCAD LT and Inventor LT
  • Batch plot is not supported with AutoCAD LT or InventorLT.
  • Update view is not supported with Inventor LT. Thisincludes jobs sent to a Job Server on a machine running Inventor LT.
  • Revision table functionality for assemblies is notsupportedwith Inventor LT. This includes jobs sent to a Job Server on a machinerunning Inventor LT.
  • Lifecycle
  • When modifying the state transition criteria of alifecycledefinition, the 'Check that dependent child files are released' optioncan now be found on the Actions tab.
  • Revise
  • When revising a file, it is not possible to revise from aprevious revision.

Vault Professional
  • Custom Objects
  • When creating or editing existing Custom Objectdefinitions, thechanges will not populate in the Vault client until the followinglogin.
  • Items
  • Itis now possible to remove tertiary links from an item. However, if theprimary link which caused the tertiary to be created remains on theitem then the tertiary link will be recreated the next time the item isupdated. For instance: if an .IPT with an .IDW is assigned to an item,the .IPT will get a primary link and the .IDW will get a tertiary link.If the tertiary link to the IDW is removed from the item, but theprimary link to the .IPT is not, then on the next update of the itemthe tertiary link to the .IDW will be recreated.
  • Updatingan item will only update the unpinned file attachment versions for theitem being updated. Any child items being updated as a result will nothave their file attachment versions updated. You will need to updatethose items individually.
  • ​For ACADM BOM rows that are merged, the group icon isnot displayed. Instead the item icon is shown.
  • Items with a value of 'Not Effective' for Effectivityproperties will not be migrated and will appear as an empty string​.
  • ​For rows that are added manually, the units of measurewon’tchange automatically if the item’s units are changed after the row wasadded. As a workaround, those rows have to be removed and added againto show the current units of measure of the item.
  • ​BOM Reports are always off the top level of BOM tab.Hence it is not right-click context menu sensitive.
  • ​BOM Reports does not support thumbnail.
  • Set Effectivity on a Change Order with an older Vaultclient will not release the Item listed on the Records tab.
  • Set Effectivity of Items has been removed. Migratedvaults have the set Effective date value stored as a UDP.
  • While an item is at pending creation state, 'Assign To'is notallowed to another existing item of Released state. As aworkaround, turn off the row and perform Assign To again.
  • Item and BOM functionalities are disabled when accessingfrom older supported Vault clients and Add-ins.
  • Configuration factories (iFactory) cannot be assigned toitems. However, the error message that appears when performing Turn RowOn, Turn Branch On, or Assign To on configuration factories, is notaccurate. Checking out and checking the file back in will not work inthis case even though that’s what the error message suggests. A memberof the factory must be used in place of the factory in order for thecomponent to be promoted to an item.
  • Sometimes the setting Group BOM rows as per the designBOM isnot honored especially when Part Numbers are modified after thecomponents have been inserted. If this happens, check out the assembly,uncheck the checkbox for the BOM setting, Enable Row Merge on PartNumber Match, check it back again, save the assembly, check it intoVault and update the item.
  • Vault doesn’t allow inserting an item into the same item(dueto circular reference restriction). And when a user tries to assignitem to a parent file that has a child with the same equivalence value,Vault displays a circular reference error. However, in some cases,instead of displaying this error message, Vault makes the child file asecondary link to the existing parent item. To get out of thissituation, edit the parent item, remove the secondary link for thechild, save the item, turn off the option “Auto-select first duplicateitem,' and update the parent item. The child should now have a new itemassigned to it.
  • ‘Assign/Update Item’ from file only updates the relateditemif the file has been modified since the last item assignment or update.If the file has not been modified, it is possible that items may becreated for BOM children but the root item is not updated to includethese new items. The solution to this is to ‘Update’ the item itself(from the item view) – this forces the item to be updated regardless ofwhether the file itself has changed.
  • Item update may fail andresult inError 1455 or item links remaining stale on old data where vault editshave versioned the file​. To resolve this, version the filethrough the CAD application and perform the item update again.​​
  • Change Orders
    • The Set Effectivity command has been replaced by theClose Change Order command.
    • If Items are part of a Change Order, users have theoption ofmodifying the state of items during the Change Order Closecommand.
  • Properties.
    • A custom UDP for an Inventor DWG cannot be mapped to anItem EntityType. The workaround is to create and map the UDP to a File EntityType, and then change the File Entity type to an Item Entity type.

SupportedLanguage Configurations for Autodesk Vault Products

SupportedClient Language Configurations

Any client meeting the following criteria can work with anyserverof any language meeting the server criteria below. Client language andserver language do not need to match.

  • The Autodesk Vault client is supported on operating systemsof thefollowing languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, English, French,German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian,Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
  • An English language Vault client is supported on allsupported non-English language operating systems.
  • A non-English Vault client must match the language of theoperating system.
  • TheVault Basic client and add-ins are localized into Brazilian Portuguese,Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
    • The language of the Autodesk Vault Basic CAD add-inmust be the same language as the CAD application.
  • Vault Workgroup and Vault Professional arelocalized intoBrazilian Portuguese, Czech, English, French,German, Hungarian,Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, SimplifiedChinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
    • The language of the Autodesk Vault CAD add-in must bethe samelanguage as the CAD application. To use Vault Workgroup or Professionalwith Hungarian and Spanish CAD applications, first install thecorrect language of Vault Basic. This will install the correct languageof the Vault add-in to the CAD applications. Then install the VaultWorkgroup or Professional client.

Other client language notes:

  • The Vault client does not support runtime languageswitching.
  • Itis not supported to switch a CAD application's language to aconfiguration which does not meet the criteria outlined in the sectionabove.
  • An English version of AutodeskDesignReview 2013 is included in Vault client products for Russian, Polish,Czech, Hungarian, and Traditional Chinese.
  • An English version of AutodeskDWGTrueView 2017 is included in all Vault client products for alllanguages except Japanese and French.

SupportedADMS Language Configurations

Any server meeting the following criteria can work with anyclient of any language meeting the client criteria above.

  • The Autodesk Data Management Server (ADMS) is supported onoperating systems of the following languages: Brazilian Portuguese,Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
  • An English language ADMS is supported on all supportednon-English language operating system.
  • A non-English ADMS must match the language of the operatingsystem.
  • Any case-insensitive collation and/or language of SQL maybe used with any language ADMS.
  • Migrating from one Language of Vault Server to a differentlanguage of Vault Server is only supported if it is to or from anEnglish Language Vault Server.

Other ADMS language notes:

  • Restoring a backup from a different SQL collation otherthan thecollation currently being used will result in the backup's collationbeing used.

SupportedConnected Workgroup Server Language Configurations

Any server meeting the above criteria can work with any otherserver of any language meeting the above criteria.

Other replication-related language notes:

  • The publisher's SQL collation/language determinescollation/language in a replicated environment regardless of theinstalled SQL language at subscribers.
  • Autodesk recommends all SQL installations in a replicatedenvironment be the same language.

AutoCADAdd-in Install Information

Please see the system requirements and installationinstructions specific to your AutoCAD product.

  • After uninstalling and reinstalling the Vault client, theVault tabin the AutoCAD ribbon may not be available. This can be corrected byswitching workspaces in AutoCAD.

AutoCADAdd-in Information
  • The Vault ribbon and toolbar may be missing when launchingAutoCADand AutoCAD-based products from the same installation but usingdifferent profiles. To restore the Vault ribbon and toolbar, enterCUILOAD and load the 'VaAc.cuix' file from C:Users [username]AppDataRoamingAutodesk [product name] [version] [lang] Support
  • Files with point cloud attachments are not supported. Ifchecked in, the file will lose its association to the point cloudattachment.
  • Files with PDF attachments are not supported. If checkedin, the file will lose its association to the PDF attachment.
  • The Change Category command is available in AutoCAD. It isnot available in AutoCAD Electrical or AutoCAD Mechanical.
  • Image reference of a DWG file will not be loaded correctlyif the DWG file had been moved.
  • Creating a New Part reference via Open from Vault will notupdate the Parts list if the Part Reference is not available in thepart list already.
  • File reference ID will beprovided only when the file is checked in from AutoCAD Electrical 2016or newer release​. ​
  • ​Refreshan Electrical project file(wdp) may not download the related configurationfiles. UseOpen Project from Vault to download the newer or missing configurationfiles.
  • AfterElectrical files are renamed in the Vault client or with the new CopyDesign, invoking'​Refresh All Files' with the AutoCAD Electrical addin causesan unexpected exit. Use Open Project from Vault instead of Refresh AllFiles to get the newer files.

AutoCAD Civil 3D
  • When using Vault Workgroup or Professional with AutoCADCivil 3D, aconfiguration file must be imported into every vault database whichwill be accessed from a Civil 3D client. The configuration fileCivil3D_Vault_Configuration.cfg can be found at
    [ADMS Install directory]Custom Configuration.
  • For more information on the Vault Add-In for AutoCAD Civil3D, please refer to the AutoCAD Civil 3D Readme and Help.

Folder Check In
  • The following methods may be used with Folder Check In onlarge folders if problems occur:
    • Add sub-folders individually. To do this, first breakdown the mainfolder into sub-folders, then set the working folder to the top mostfolder. This will maintain the folder structure and file relationshipsafter check-in.
    • Increase the number of GDI handles. Please see this Microsoft article for instructions. Seek assistance fromyour Administrator if you are not familiar with Registry settings.
  • The following are restrictions on Folder Check In of DXFfiles from within AutoCAD based products:
    • DXF files with attachments cannot be checked into theVault (be it within or outside the working folder).
    • Only single DXF files without attachments can bechecked intothe Vault if they are placed within the working folder. The user willbe prompted to save the DXF file upon every Check-in.
    • DXF files will not be checked into the Vault whenchecking in a folder containing DXF files from outside the workingfolder.
    • DXF files will be checked into the Vault when checkingin afolder containing DXF files from within the working folder. In thiscase, DXF files with attachments will be checked in but all filerelationships will be lost.
Inventor References
  • ​Vault 2017 add-in for AutoCAD no longer supports theinteroperability between Inventor and AutoCAD within a 32-bit (x86)environment.
  • To check in files with model documentation drawing views, adefault Inventor project file must be set in the Vault options.
  • To ensure synchronization with Vault, it is recommendedthatyou set the Inventor project file in AutoCAD to be the same as thedefault Inventor project file in the Vault options.
Sheet Sets andSheet Set Manager (SSM)
  • The Check in Folder command does not support sheet sets.
  • Property write-back is not supported on sheet set files.
  • The Vault sheet set manager integration does not supportoffline editing of sheet set files.
  • The sheet set property 'Sheet set data file' cannot bemappedas a Vault user-defined property. Instead use the 'File Name' Vaultsystem property.
  • Renaming a sheet set in Sheet Set Manager will not updatecorresponding folder and file names in Vault, though all folders andfiles will resolve correctly.
  • Renaming or moving sheet set data files or folders in Vaultis not supported and will result in Sheet Set Manager not reflectingthe changes.
  • To convert vaulted DST files to DSS format:
    1. Download the DST file to your working folder.
    2. Open the DST file in Sheet Set Manager from yourworking folder.
    3. Check the file into Vault.

    The DST file will be converted to DSS format upon check-in.

  • To change the Sheet Set automatic Check In visualizationattachment options:
    1. Exit AutoCAD.
    2. Open the file ‘Preferences.xml’ at‘%appdata%AutodeskAutoCAD [Version] Vault AddInObjects’ with anytext editor.
    3. Under the respective AutoCAD profile ‘CheckIn On AutoCheckinSheetSet Options’, look for ‘<Property Name='DWF Option'Value='NoDWF' />'.
    4. Replace “No DWF”, the default value, with “Create DWFlocally” to create visualization during Check In or “Create DWF usingJob Server” to send to Job Server.

Vaultfor Inventor Products

InventorAdd-in Install Information

  • Please see the system requirements and installationinstructions specific to your Inventor product.

Inventor Add-in Information
Inventor LT
  • When using Inventor LT with Vault, the user's workspace ispresetto %USERPROFILE%My DocumentsVaultDesigns and mapped to the rootfolder “$” in Vault. The workspace mapping cannot be changed.
  • ​If Vault add-in for Inventor LT fails to load, remove theInventor LT project file 'Vault_Default.ipj' from'.users<CurrentUser>DocumentsVault' and then restart Inventor LT​.
  • If you desire to work with a different workspace you mustfirst disable the Vault add-in. To stop working in a vaultedenvironment, unload the Inventor Vault Add-In, uncheck LoadAutomatically for the add-in, and restart Inventor LT. After which, theability to change a user's workspace will be restored.
  • To load the Vault Add-In manually from the Add-in Manager,all documents must be closed. Otherwise, the add-in will not load.
  • Assembly files are not supported in Inventor LT. If anassembly file is opened from Vault, a warning message will not bedisplayed.
  • Vault functionality included in Task Scheduler is disabledin Inventor LT.
  • Viewingassembly files in Vault which contain Content Center parts or runningPack and Go on assemblies which contain Content Center parts willresult in issues if Inventor LT was last run. If viewing an assemblywith Content Center parts the view will not load. If attempting a Packand Go on an assembly with Content Center parts, the exported Inventorproject file will have the Content Center path set to [Default] and amissing file warning may be displayed upon opening the assembly. Theseissues can be avoided by running Inventor View immediately prior toeither the View or Pack and Go operation.

All Vault Editions
  • The Vault browser will show that a file has been edited inmemoryfor iPart Factories and iAssembly Factories if any members were renamedin Vault Explorer.
  • When using substitutes, it is strongly recommended that alldata be created within the working folder. If the data was createdoutside of the working folder and then added to a Vault, it isrecommended that you open the file from Vault, Edit the file, and thensave and check in all assemblies before performing any other Vaultoperations.
  • The Inventor Vault add-in does not support AutoCAD fileswith model documentation drawing views of Inventor references.
  • If opening an AutoCAD file with model documentation drawingviews of Inventor references, the Inventor add-in will prompt more thanonce to check out and update properties for the file.
  • ​Checkout prompt is seen even before clicking 'Update'button in Inventor assembly when the 3rd party data is modified.
  • Inventor Vault browser needs explicit 'Refresh' to remove3rdparty data when selecting 'Place Import CAD files' but without placingthe files.
  • Assembly child parts may not appear in Vault Browserwhen 3rd party data is 'Opened' using Inventor 'Convert model' option.Perform a Vault Browser 'Refresh' to resolve this issue.

Vault Workgroup andVault Professional
  • The ‘Create DWF Job’ for Inventor files (and AutoCAD fileswithmodel documentation drawing views of Inventor references) will alwaysuse the Administrator-defined Vault Inventor project file setting. Ifthe admin has not set a project file, a failure stating ‘The defaultInventor project file is not set or could not be found.’ will be loggedfor the job. This error will also be displayed for updating DWFslocally if there is no administrator or user Inventor project filespecified.
  • When a Non-Administrative User tries to use the DefaultTemplates for generating Reports using Data Mapping, an error comes upsaying Template is not valid. To resolve the issue follow the procedurementioned in thisBlog article.

Vault Professional
  • While working with Vault 2017 Items created from 3rd party filesreferenced in Inventor 2016 assemblies (i.e. Inventor 2016 AnyCAD Data)stored in Vault 2016, users must perform the following actions in Vault2017 to properly update those Items.
    • Within Inventor 2017, checkout all 3rd party files related to the items you wish to update
    • Perform Inventor 2017 'Edit-Import' operation on all the 3rd party files, save, and check-in all files to Vault 2017.
    • Administrator must setup the following Vault 2017 property mappings:
      • 'Number' Property 'Initial Value' mapped to 'Part Number' property for 'Other files'.
      • 'Equivalence Value' property mapped to 'Part Number' for 'Other Files'.
    • Perform Vault 2017 ‘Update Item’ operation on each 3rd party file.
  • Detail IDs will not be created for Substitute Parts whenthe masterassembly is uploaded to Vault using 'Check In Project.' The Update FileReferences command should be executed in Vault Explorer to get DetailIDs created for Substitute Parts.
  • Inventor assemblies that are checked in with an active LODwill not have Detail IDs extracted.
  • ​Update Item will pull the values of the Detail ID from BOMtable and update the Position Number values.
  • The Item Position Number is extracted for the rootcomponent only for a structure BOM.
  • Inventor assemblies that are checked in with an active LODwill not have updated Position Number. Inventor does not provide accessto Structured BOM View within an active LOD. Always save and check inthe assemblies with the Master LOD.

Vaultfor Revit Products

  • Vault add-in for Revit requires Autodesk Vault Professional2017.
  • Whenloading a large number of Revit files into the Vault server, add filesin batches of less than 1000 files, enable the Revit deep index, andwait for the index to complete before loading the next batch of files.

Copy Design

Copy Design for VaultWorkgroup and Vault Professional
  • The Item BOM is not updated for files created in latestcopydesign. Users must open and save files in their native application toupdate the BOM detail.
  • Replacing multiple files at the same assembly structurelevel with a single file will result in creation of a single reference.
  • There is no restriction on replace file types. Selectingincompatible replacements may result in failure of new files.
  • Any changes to Vault property settings (e.g., defaultvalues,mappings, enablement) are not captured in the Copy Design Rule set XMLafter creation. Users must log out and log in to the copydesignapplication to update property behavior in the action rules.
  • The new names given by the Numbering Scheme will not beseen in the Copy Design Grid even after Copy action is done.
  • Copy Design Action rules do not currently apply to InventoriProperty 'Estimated Cost'.
  • Whileworking with different Vaults on a server, users should delete theexisting Copy Design Rulesets created in the %appdata% location beforeswitching Vaults and re-create the Rulesets manually after connectingto the destination Vault.
    User migrating from older Vault releases should take a note of this too.
  • Users may experience issues when performing copy design onun-replicated files.
  • Copy Design leverages the user-defined default Inventorproject. Resolution errors can occur if a different project is used toopen the files after copy.
  • New file relationships created during Copy Design arerepaired on open. Users should open and update copied files beforecarrying out additional work on the data.
  • Copy Design isdelivered with Vault Workgroup and Vault Professional in 2017 andsupports the copy of AutoCAD Electrical design projects. When makingcopies of electrical configuration files, however, the user mustmanually enforce the proper naming convention of the electrical projectconfiguration files.
  • Users are permitted to copy iParts and iAssemblies but itshould be noted:
    • Factories and members can be copied together BUT thereis noassociative link between these files. New copied members do not reflecttable entries.
    • Members can be copied and used as stand-alonecomponents.
    • Factories can be copied and the table edited to createnew members.
    • Users must open and save files after copying in orderto break the relationship link between Factory and Member.

VaultSynchronization with Buzzsaw

Vault Synchronization with Buzzsaw

  • Vault Synchronization with Buzzsaw requires Autodesk VaultProfessional 2017.
  • Vault Synchronization with Buzzsaw is part of 'Configureinstallation' of the Vault Professional 2017 Client installer.​
  • Vault Synchronization with Buzzsaw​ can be added from'Add/Remove Features' after Vault Professional 2017 Client isinstalled.


Supported DataFormats

  • Autoloader supports Inventor R10 and newer data.
  • Autoloader supports AutoCAD R14 (and AutoCAD R14 products)and newer data.

  • Follow these guidelines for autoloading data in to theVault:
    • If autoloading Inventor files and not publishing DWFfiles, upload in batches no greater than 30,000 files.
    • If autoloading Inventor files and publishing DWF files,upload in batches no greater than 20,000 files.
    • If autoloading AutoCAD or DWG files without publishingDWF, upload in batches no greater than 50,000 files.
    • If autoloading AutoCAD or DWG files and publishing DWF,upload in batches no greater than 30,000 files.
  • Close as many applications as possible while autoloadingdata.
  • Autoloadercopies all files which will be uploaded to a temporary folder on thesystem that is running Autoloader. Therefore, enough free space must beavailable to accommodate the duplication of the files. If publishingDWF or DWFX files, enough space must also be available to accommodatethe visualization files as well.
  • Prior to autoloading data, it is strongly recommended thatyou fully back up all vaults.
  • In order to use Autoloader, you must disable Enforce UniqueFile Names in the Vault.
  • Autoloader does not support auto ownership transfer. Pleaseensure you are uploading to a server/folder for which you haveownership.
  • The Upload Report generated after files have been uploadedcan only be viewed on the machine which created the report.
  • Autoloader requires that Inventor 2016 or Inventor 2017 beinstalled (and be the last version of Inventor run) as well as a Vault2017 product be installed on the same system as Autoloader to uploadInventor files.
  • DWF publishing is not supported when autoloading Inventordata with Inventor LT.
  • AutoCAD files with model documentation drawing views ofInventor references are not supported with Autoloader.
  • If Inventor needs to re-register with the operating systemwhile Autoloader is running, Inventor's re-registration process maycause Autoloader to close. Be sure to save all Scan and Upload reportsprior to starting Inventor with Autoloader running.
  • In order to publish visualization files (DWF or DWFx) forInventor iParts, Autoloader requires that Microsoft Office Excel 2007or newer is installed.
  • It is required that all Inventor files be uploaded into thesame folder in the vault. By default this folder is named Designs, butyou may change the name by using the Rename button. You may only changethe name if you have not yet uploaded any files to the Designs folder.
  • If Direct 3D 9 is installed on yourmachine, it is recommended that you change the Inventor hardwaresetting to any value other than Direct 3D prior to doing DWF or DWFXpublishing in Autoloader.
  • AutoCAD file types may be uploaded to any folder in theVault.
  • AutoCADElectrical files, AutoCAD Mechanical files, and Mechanical Desktopfiles will all be uploaded to the vault as vanilla AutoCAD files. Thismay result in the loss of file relationships.
  • Sheet Set Data will be uploaded to the vault as vanillaAutoCAD files. This may result in the loss of sheet set relationships.It is recommended that you use Sheet Set Manager to check in sheet setdata.

Vaultfor Microsoft Office

MicrosoftOffice Add-in Install Information

The following versions of Microsoft Office applications aresupported with Vault 2017:

Microsoft Office Versions
MicrosoftWord2013 (32 and 64 bit)
MicrosoftExcel2013 (32 and 64 bit)
MicrosoftPowerPoint2013 (32 and 64 bit)
  • The Autodesk Vault 2017 add-ins for Microsoft Officesupport theMicrosoft Office 2013 desktop applications offered by Microsoft Office365. Vault 2017 add-ins for Microsoft Office DO NOT support theMicrosoft Office 2016 versions of the same.
    See more at:
  • If invoking the initial Vault licensing dialogs from the Office orOutlook add-ins, the dialogs may appear behind the Microsoft Officeapplication. To workaround, please select the 'Specify NetworkLicense' dialog from the Windows Task bar to bring it to theforefront.
  • For best results, Autodesk recommends installing allavailableupdates and service packs for your version of MicrosoftOffice.

The Microsoft Outlook Add-in is available in VaultWorkgroup and Vault Professional.

MicrosoftOutlook Add-in Install Information

The following versions of Microsoft Outlook applications aresupported with Vault 2017:

Microsoft Outlook Versions
Microsoft Outlook2013 (32 and 64 bit)
2016 (32 and 64 bit)

  • Please see the Vault Help documentation forimportant additional details on configuring and using the Outlookadd-in.
  • The Microsoft Outlook add-in is not automaticallyinstalled.You must expand the client settings during installation of the Vaultclient and select the Outlook add-in to install.
  • For best results, Autodesk recommends installing allavailable updates and service packs for your version of MicrosoftOutlook.

Setting UpOutlook Properties

Autodesk Vault Professional

After installing the Outlook add-in, it is recommended that aVaultadministrator follow these steps to map the following two properties:

  1. In the Vault client go to Tools > Administration> Vault Settings.
  2. Select the Behaviors tab and click on the Propertiesbutton.
  3. Click New to create a new User-Defined Property (UDP).
  4. In the 'Name' field type in 'Email Conversation Topic'select 'Text'as Data Type.
  5. In the 'Associations' field select the category to whichemails will be assigned.
    • You may want to create an Email category prior tocreating the property.
  6. On the Mapping tab, select 'Outlook (*.msg)' as theproviderand select an email file in the Vault or on disk and map the UDP to theItem Name file property.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to map an 'Email Sent Date' UDP tothe 'Sent Date' file property with 'Date' as Data Type.
  9. Close all Administration dialogs.
  10. Start Outlook and log in to the Vault.
  11. Click the Vault Settings button.
  12. In the Conversation Topic Property field select the 'EmailConversation Topic' UDP.
  13. In the Sent On Property field select the 'Email Sent Date'UDP.
  14. Click OK.

With these property settings, the Outlook add-in will treatemailconversations as file associations in Vault. You will be able to usethe Uses and Where Used tabs in the Vault client to view the emailthread for all emails checked into Vault.

MicrosoftOutlook Add-in Information

  • If you map a calendar folder to a Vault folder, when youaccept ordecline the request you may be notified that a mail item has beenremoved in Outlook, and that it should be removed from the Vault.
  • If you notice system performance is being impacted afterinstalling the MSG iFilter, please see the Help documentation forinformation on changing the indexing options to improve performance.


The Autodesk Thin Client is available in VaultWorkgroup and Vault Professional.

Thin ClientInstall Information

The following version of web browsers are supported with ThinClient 2017:

Browser Versions
  • If ADMS is installed on a Custom IIS Port, then Thin Clientcannotuse that custom port as well as the Default IIS Port. It has to beinstalled using another IIS Port.
  • If ADMS is installed on the Default IIS Port, then ThinClient can also be installed using the same Default IIS Port or onanother IIS Port.
  • It is not possible to configure the Thin Client IIS Portfor Vault Workgroup.
  • If youare upgrading Autodesk Thin Client from Vault 2015 or 2016, and need areference of the existing web.config file, do remember to backup theoriginal web.config file located in AutodeskThin Client 2015 or 2016folder.
  • If you are upgrading Autodesk Thin Client from a previousrelease to the current release, you need to uninstall the previousversion prior to installing the new version.
  • Administratorsattempting to install/upgrade Vault 2017 witha username different than the username used to install Vault 2015 orVault 2016 on the same machine may encounterproblems uninstalling those prior versions of the Vault Thin Client.
  • Autodesk Design Review works only for IE x32 browsers,whereas IE x64 browsers are not supported.
  • To view visualisation files in Autodesk Thin Client usingInternet Explorer, Autodesk Design Review Desktopmust beinstalled on the client machine.
  • ​Autodesk ThinClient currently does not support logging into Vault Server throughHTTPS binding.

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Content Center Libraries

Content Center Libraries Install Information

How To Use Autodesk Vault

  • Download the Remote Content Center Libraries for Vault 2017fromAutodesk Inventor Services & Support Page.

Vault Office

Autodesk Vault Download File

Vault Office Install Information
  • Please refer to this page for Vault Office Installationinstructions -

Autodesk Vault Download

Vault Office Information
  • For VaultOffice users to use 'Job Server' related functions, the 'Job Server'must be enabled in the 'Global Settings' dialog in the 'Administration'menu. System administrators can help Vault Office users launchVault Client in non-Office mode to enable the 'Job Server' function.

Vault Professional

Autodesk Vault Professional, Autodesk Vault Workgroup,AutodeskVault Basic, Autodesk Data Management Server, Autodesk Vault Office,Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, and AutoCAD Electricalare trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. in the United States and/or othercountries. Windows Server 2012, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014,Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Microsoft Office 2013 andMicrosoft Office 2016 are either trademarks or registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Allother trademarks are the property of their respective owners.​