Ip To Serial Software

Active3 years, 7 months ago

The Serial/IP Virtual COM port redirector creates virtual serial ports for your application to use networked serial devices with the performance and reliability of a 100% kernel driver data path. Download now and try it free for 30 days with our outstanding tech support! Serial-TCP/IP is another example of a program that enables serial over IP on Windows machines. This tool can extend the limited serial communication distance by going over TCP/IP as well as allowing remote access to your TCP/IP control software.

Please can anyone suggest a free application which creates virtual serial ports and any traffic on that port is redirected to given TCP/IP address?

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closed as off-topic by fixer1234, Ben N, DavidPostill, MokubaiFeb 28 '16 at 21:14

Ip To Serial Software

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Ip To Serial Software Online

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4 Answers

If this is for Windows, then see HW VSP3 - Virtual Serial Port

HW VSP is a software driver that adds a virtual serial port (e.g. COM5) to the operating system and redirects the data from this port via a TCP/IP network to another hardware interface, which is specified by its IP address and port number.

Main Features

  • Free, unrestricted Virtual Serial Port driver for any TCP/IP devices
  • Compatible with Windows 2000, XP (Win 98, NT) and Windows Vista
  • Runs as a standalone application, or as a NT service suitable for servers
  • Option to start at Windows startup and minimize to System Tray
  • Single-port (free) and multi-port (commercial) version
  • Supports RFC 2217, allowing to change remote serial port parameters (such as speed, parity, stop bits) over TCP using NVT
  • VSP driver typically operates as a “TCP client”; however, it can also be used as a “TCP server” (useful for GPRS applications)
  • Configuration stored in an INI file
  • Configuration protected with a password
  • Supports UAC (User Account Control – user switching in Windows XP and Vista)
  • This software is FREEWARE, as long as you comply with the license terms and conditions
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288k16 gold badges308 silver badges625 bronze badges

com0com, Null-modem emulator, also includes COM to TCP redirection.

The Null-modem emulator can be used to provide serial interface for COM port redirectors. For example, with the com2tcp ( COM port to TCP redirector, part of the com0com project ) you can communicate via serial interface with the TCP/IP servers.

T. KaltnekarT. Kaltnekar
7,5062 gold badges24 silver badges23 bronze badges

I just found TCPCOM32 and there are also some other projects at SourceForge which are doing such a thing.

Also, what operating system?

8,1143 gold badges31 silver badges42 bronze badges

I'm using perle trueport to connect to a ser2net server. Trueport is RFC2217 compliant, which means you can use any baudrate you want.

Vincent FenetVincent Fenet

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Ip To Serial Software Download

How to use Serial to Ethernet converter: You start with the installation of the software on all the computers that will use the serial device.

After installing and launching the app, the serial device will be made available over the Ethernet to you and every other person who is going to use the serial device.

Serial Software Download

Serial to Ethernet Converter enables conversion of COM port data to Ethernet. These converted data can in turn be shared and accessed over network. Here the remote computer will display a virtual serial connection that helps the software communicate with the port.

Tcp To Serial Port Software

A noteworthy feature of Serial to network converter is that it runs as a Windows service. This guarantees that every single connection is automatically reconfigured on system reboot. This is a feature I found interesting because you don’t need to keep the interface constantly open, it will be running in the background. The other fantastic thing about Serial to Ethernet Converter is the ability to transfer a configuration to another computer in form of backup.

Tcp/ip To Serial Software

It is available for Windows and Linux platform. It is also interesting that you have the flexibility to decide which platform will be the server and which will be the client. However, the Linux version available now is a command-line solution. It can as well broadcast over UDP too.