Logonui Exe Error

Hey guys,
I have get a Toshiba satellite pro c850 using Windows 10. Randomly after a restart of my computer it went to a green screen with the loading dots spinning, and a box saying:
LogonUI.exe - Application error
The exception breakpoint
A breakpoint has been reached.
(0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x00007FFD380413AF.
Click on OK to terminate the program
I tried Ctrl alt del saying that:
Runtime error!
Program: C:WINDOWSsystem32LogonUI.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
I press Ctrl alt esc and the box disappears but the loading dots still spinning.
I can't do anything else than that. Please help.

Original title:This happens with ALL applications, but specifically LogonUI.exe: LogonUI.exe application error: The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate the program.

Logonui.exe is s type of EXE file that is associated with MSDN Disc 2464.3 developed by Microsoft for the Windows operating system. These files contain step by step instructions that the system follows to carry out function.

FIRST OF ALL I would like to let you all know that I can not log on to my Windows 7 in any way: Safe mode, normal mode, none worked. I am running Splashtop Browser (and browsing is all I can do right now) from my Vaio laptop, which gives me the same error for EVERY application/exe file that I try to run in Windows 7, and that includes CMD.exe.
Okay so I installed a custom Logon background with an application from deviantART (I forgot which, itś on my Windows 7) a few days ago. Everything worked fine. Today I downloaded visual styles and installed those styles with Theme Manager [http://bickelk.deviantart.com/art/Theme-… which I used for about a month without problems.
Today I installed a lot (I cant remember the names of the themes) and it gave me an error telling me to restart my laptop.
And then I did.
But now, every time I try to boot my laptop and the logon screen appears, it gives me the following error: LogonUI.exe application error
The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate the program
And thatś all. I cant access Windows 7 in any way as I said- my only access to the internet right now is through Splashtop Browser. PLEASE HELP. :(
I have:
Vaio VPCEB11FX Laptop
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit
7600 Build I think.

Logonui Exe ErrorLogonui.exe

Logonui.exe Error On Startup

  1. LogonUI.exe is a Windows program which is responsible for the interface you see on the login screen. It allows a PC to start only when a user enters the correct password and account username.
  2. The reason why you are getting this is because there are certain programs that may change the configuration for the system files and can change the location for the files in the registry as well.