Why Do Serial Cheaters Cheat


The Goings On Inside The Head Of A Serial Cheater. It’s part of their nature: Some anthropologists suggest that serial cheaters cheat because it’s part of male instinct to ensure survival of their kind, as in animals. Man is said to evolve from apes. Animals have no regard for monogamy but in propagating their species. They like the thrill.

Can Serial Cheaters Stop Cheating

Why Do Serial Cheaters Cheat
A close friend who recently endured a particularly nasty affair/divorce by his wife sent this to me. Enjoy:
Serial Cheaters - Narcissists
A typical reason for infidelity is that one spouse may be a narcissist who often becomes a serial cheater. The narcissist is most likely to have many affairs and will pursue anyone they can manipulate with their boundless words and actions.
Narcissists are self-absorbed and tend to be highly charming. They have a constant need for admiration. They view all events in terms of how the events impact them and them alone. They are master manipulators and feel an 'emotional high' with each new conquest. Their behavior is often impulsive which can appear exciting. These individuals lack compassion unless it helps them achieve their goals. They are unwilling to see or consider anything from another person's viewpoint. They will continue the emotional control with a target until the relationship becomes too burdensome. They utilize no moral boundaries in their pursuit of admiration and physical activity from the opposite sex; frequently offering marriage, promises, baptism, children, etc. Literally - whatever the target 'needs to hear' in order to close the deal is what the narcissist will say and do. Their targets are usually married which heightens the feeling of conquest. They frequently have several affairs going on at once with no regard to the damage caused by their reckless pursuit of self-gratification. Narcissists develop specialized talents such as crying on cue, 'elegantly' deceiving without stumble, saying just the right things at just the right time, etc. all designed to aid in attaining their goal.
Their behavior is more than a lack of self-esteem. It goes to the very core of the individual's personality and is a pervasive aspect of their lifestyle. This character flaw prevents them from keeping marriage vows and in the vast majority of cases narcissists will forever cheat on their spouse(s). It is interesting to note that narcissists rarely divorce and will fight tooth and nail to remain married. This is believed to go along with the 'need to be accepted by all' mentality that narcissists possess. As strong as their need is to conquer outside their marriage; they turn into weeping idiots if/when their spouse even suggests divorce.

Why Do Serial Cheaters Cheat Free

  1. A serial cheater is someone who leads an entire separate relationship alongside a pre-existing one, or it is someone who repeatedly has sex with people who are not his or her significant other.
  2. My husband and I have been together for 14 years, married for 11. When I first started seeing my husband, he was also seeing 2 other women and 1 man (didn’t know about the man at the time.) Well, since our marriage, he has cheated on me with 3 women that I know of, one.