Cd Destruction Game

Download Creative Destruction for PC


Creative Destruction Cd Game

The description of Creative Destruction Creative Destruction is a sandbox survival game that features the utmost fun of building and firing. In the mood for a heart-stirring showdown? You will parachute into a vast battlefield where 100-player deathmatch is raging. Play Creative Destruction on your computer to get the edge on the competition as you enter a winner takes all survival challenge that will have you scavaging, crafting, and killing for the win. Play Creative Destruction in either first or third person modes as you parachute into a confining play area that will only shrink with time.

Download, Install and Play Creative Destruction on your Desktop or Laptop with Mobile App Emulators like Bluestacks, Nox, MEmu…etc.

How to Play Creative Destruction on PC (Easy Steps):

Creative Destruction is a sandbox survival game that features the utmost fun of building and firing. In the mood for a heart-stirring showdown? You will parachute into a vast battlefield where 100-player deathmatch is raging. Outplay your way to be the last one standing. Build the best, break the rest!

  • Download, Install and Run the Emulator.
  • Install Creative Destruction Apk from the Store.
  • Launch and Play the Game from the App Library!
Developer: NetEase Games
Price: Free+

Creative Destruction Review, Main Features, Gameplay and Video

If you enjoy playing survival shooters, it’s well worth trying out Creative Destruction. As you’ll get to test your survival and shooting skills against up to 99 opponents, who are trying to be the last player standing.

Creative Destruction gameplay

At the start of each game, you’ll get to choose which section of the map you’d like to parachute in. There are currently 13 different lands which you can land, each of which offers a different style of gameplay. The goal of Creative Destruction is to outwit and outlast your opponents to be the last player standing.

Tips on how to win your first game:

1. Choose the area which you choose to land on carefully.

In some areas, there are plenty of hiding spots which you can use to shoot your enemies from. While in other areas you may be more likely to be forced out into the open, to shoot your opponents. So it’s well worth exploring a few different areas until you find a starting area which suits your preferred style of gameplay.

Some of the areas which you may be keen to explore include Sunset Manor, Teddyland, Sky Eye and Ski Resort. All of which feature stunning graphics and are a lot of fun to explore.

2. Make sure that you stay within the ever-shrinking playing field.

As your game clock ticks down, your playing field will begin to shrink. So it’s a wise idea to pay attention to your map, which will show you your position on the map as well as the playing field perimeter which you must stay within. You may find at the end of a round, that the playing field has shrunk significantly and that you’ll have to run to a fair way, in order to get back into the game, before the countdown timer runs out.

3. Quickly pick up any weapons which you’re lucky enough to spot.

At the start of each game, you’ll only be armed with a single weapon, so it’s crucial to pick up any weapons which you come across. One of the reasons why Creative Destruction stands out against other multi-player survival games it that you can pick up a lot of weapons, while in other survival games players are limited to using rockets and grenades.

4. Avoid game generated hazards as well as fire.

As an example, while you can be killed by a fellow player’s fire, you can also be taken out of the game by getting caught up in a snowstorm.

5. Decide whether you’re better off playing as a lone wolf or with a friend.

If you’re interested in playing Creative Destruction, you can choose to take on your enemies on your own or you can choose to play Creative Destruction as part of a team.

So if you think you’ve got what it takes to be the last player standing after a massive shootout it’s well worth downloading Creative Destruction on your PC!

I hope you enjoyed this guide, please rate and share. If you have problems running Creative Destruction on your PC or any other issues, leave a comment below.

Active5 years, 11 months ago

I have old CDs/DVDs which have some backups, these backups have some work and personal files. I always had problems when I needed to physically destroy them to make sure no one will reuse them.

Breaking them is dangerous, pieces could fly fast and may cause harm. Scratching them badly is what I always do but it takes long time and I managed to read some of the data in the scratched CDs/DVDs.

What's the way to physically destroy a CD/DVD safely?

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We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

10 Answers

The proper way is to get yourself a shredder that also handles cds - look online for cd shredders. This is the right option if you end up doing this routinely.

I don't do this very often - For small scale destruction I favour a pair of tin snips - they have enough force to cut through a cd, yet are blunt enough to cause small cracks along the sheer line. Kitchen shears with one serrated side work well too. You want to damage the data layer along with shearing along the plastic, and these work magnificently. Do it in a bag, cause this generates sparkly bits.

There's also the fun, and probably dangerous way - find yourself an old microwave, and microwave them. I would suggest doing this in a well ventilated area of course, and not using your mother's good microwave. There's a lot of videos of this on YouTube - such as this (who's done this in a kitchen... and using his mom's microwave). This results in a very much destroyed cd in every respect. If I was an evil hacker mastermind, this is what I'd do. The other options are better for the rest of us.

Journeyman GeekJourneyman Geek
115k46 gold badges227 silver badges383 bronze badges

This website explains 10 creative ways of doing this:

  1. Wraps the discs with food wrap then fold it.

  2. Shred the discs. There are several CD shredder machines, that operate like common paper shredders.

  3. Cut the discs. If you don't use a shredder, a heavy pair of scissors can easily cut through a disc. The reflective foil will crack and flake, which can be messy. Be careful, as cutting the disc is tough. If you prefer a clean and safer alternative.

  4. Break the discs. Wrap the disc in a towel and then break or crack it with a firm kick or heavy hammer. The towel will protect you as CDs tend to shatter into pieces. Dispose of them while wearing safety gloves.

  5. Microwave the discs. Place the disc into a microwave and set it for 5 seconds, or until you see sparks along the surface of the disk. When you pull it out, it will have a spiderweb pattern of cracks. However, this can be dangerous and destroy your microwave, so it is not recommended.

  6. Use duct tape to remove the foil lining from the discs. Put several strips of duct tape over the top of the CD. Once the tape is firmly attached, rip it off. The foil lining should come off and you will be left with a transparent CD. This trick works on some CD's only.

  7. Cut the discs with a knife. Some CDs, especially burned ones, have the data layer unprotected by plastic. In this case, take a table knife to the label and start scraping shiny flakes in the trash.

  8. Sand the discs. Use a belt sander on the label side. This is quite messy, so do it in an area that is easy to clean.

  9. Center punch the discs. Using a self-firing center punch or a hammer and a manual punch, strike a couple of dozen deep dimples into the shiny side of the CD or DVD. Anything less than a dozen strikes could allow data to still be extracted.

  10. Erase the discs with the computer. If you have a DVD or CD drive on your computer, you can erase the data on the disc, which only works on burned, rewritable discs.

From these 10 ways, I've have chosen my preferred method - this is in bold text, but take it easy, you could break your microwave by doing this(and this could be dangerous for your microwave and for you).

Choose one or more, or even all the 10 ways if you really want to make sure no leak of information could be retrieved from any piece of the disposed CD's foil lining, but I can assure you any of these methods will do the job.

Journeyman Geek
115k46 gold badges227 silver badges383 bronze badges
22.4k57 gold badges134 silver badges212 bronze badges

The answer by Journeyman Geek is good enough for almost everything. But oddly, that common phrase 'Good enough for government work' does not apply - depending on which part of the government.

It is technically possible to recover data from shredded/broken/etc CDs and DVDs. If you have a microscope handy, put the disc in it and you can see the pits. The disc can be reassembled and the data can be reconstructed — minus the data that was physically destroyed.

So why not just pulverize the disc into dust? Or burn it to a crisp? While technically, that would completely eliminate the data, it leaves no record of the disc having existed. And in some places, like DoD and other secure facilities, the data needs to be destroyed, but the disc needs to exist. If there is a security audit, the disc can be pulled to show it has been destroyed.

So how can a disc exist, yet be destroyed? Well, the most common method is grinding the disc down to destroy the data, yet keep the label surface of the disc intact. Basically, it’s no different than using sandpaper on the writable side, till the data is gone.

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54.1k20 gold badges126 silver badges173 bronze badges

I typically put my old CDROMs in a plastic bag and use oven mits to bend them. This protects my hands from shards and protects the surroundings from flying projectile shards.

14.2k3 gold badges31 silver badges54 bronze badges

A good standard for media sanitization & destruction methods used to be the NISPOM/DoD 5220-M/DSS Clearing & Sanitization Matrix documents. Finding current versions of these online seems to be tricky - it appears they have been removed from public viewing, at least on first-party websites. However, as the basic principles of optical media haven't really changed much recently, I think the following snippets from a 2007 version of the DSS C&SM might be of interest:

  • Incineration is the most common and recommended method for removing recording surfaces.
  • Applying an abrasive substance to completely remove the recording surface ... Make certain that the entire recording surface has been thoroughly destroyed before disposal. Ensure proper protection from inhaling the abraded dust.
  • Smelting, disintegrating, or pulverizing...
  • Destroying by the use of chemicals ... Chemical destruction is hazardous and should only be done by trained personnel in a proper environment.

The more current and publicly-viewable NIST SP 800-88 has this to say for destruction methods of optical media:

Destroy in order of recommendations:

  1. Removing the information-bearing layers of CD media using a commercial optical disk grinding device. Note that this applies only to CD and not to DVD or BD media.
  2. Incinerate optical disk media (reduce to ash) using a licensed facility.
  3. Use optical disk media shredders or disintegrator devices to reduce to particles that have a nominal edge dimensions of point five millimeters (.5 mm) and surface area of point two five square millimeters (.25 mm2) or smaller.

For that last option, it looks like this should do the trick:


Cd Destruction Game Free

7,67837 gold badges96 silver badges164 bronze badges

I would go with a CD destroyer that does not cut the CD/DVD into several pieces. Cutting a CD into several pieces always leaves sharp edges and tiny metal or plastic particles flying around.

I'm very happy with my Olympia 100DX cd destroyer. (I'm sure there are similar models from other makers!) It destroys the CD/DVD by running it through two metal cylinders with tiny spikes on them.

  • It's very fast (30 CDs per minute),
  • doesn't leave a mess (CDs look like before, just with hundreds of tiny impregnations),
  • if you want to be extra-secure, you can run each CD through it multiple times.

One pass:

Three passes:

Frank SeifertFrank Seifert
3691 gold badge3 silver badges10 bronze badges

Although not practical for everyone, here's another way that doesn't leave much of a trace. It should be impossible to recover the data considering it has been vaporized.

Positioned between two high-voltage transformers, the spinning CD has its data violently stripped off in just a matter of seconds. To be fair, the data isn't erased per se, but the metallic substrate on which the data is recorded is flaked off by the aggressive application of electricity.[2]

There is also a DIY at home technique that works on the same principle but isn't as spectacular.


You could always put a cloth over the CD and iron the hell out of it. Pretty effective.

3582 gold badges5 silver badges17 bronze badges

Get a metallic can, put some combustible on it, throw the cd / dvd on the top, set fire.

Not very ecological as plastic might release some toxic smoke.


I've always been a fan of the power drill approach.

Personally, I don't drop scissors on them like the video, I let them spin up fast, and then send them head off down the driveway into the garage wall. It's truly spectacular.


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