Lftp For Windows

Mar 26, 2014  up to date lftp builds for windows Overview Batch script examples Batch script examples with ssh keys Research I have been reseaching on howto get lftp with sftp/ssh working property on windows, it is a bit funky running under windows using standalone cygwin binaries, but it does work Some. Served with CaddyCaddy.

Active2 years, 10 months ago

I have server A test-lx, and server B test2-lx, I want to transfer files from server A to server B.While transfering the files i'll need to create a driectory only if it's not exist, how can i check if a directory exist during the lftp conenction? How can i out several files in one command instead of doing this in 2 lines.Is there an option to use find -maxdepth 1 -name DirName

Here is my code:

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2 Answers

Simple way with ftp:

With lftp:

From lftp manual:

You can use mkdir for create a directory. And you can use put command several time like this:

And you can close connection with bye

You can check folder is exist or not like this:

From lftp manual:

And you can open another connection for put some files.

I don't know how to check folder is exist or not with one connection, but I can do that like this. Maybe you can find better solution:

Lftp For WindowsphepheFor

Lftp For Windows 6

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I used the same basic coding outline as phe however I found that using ls /foldername will output 'folder does not exist' if the folder is empty. To solve this I use


Please note this only works if the folder is in the root directory. For sub directories in a folder the following should work.

Lftp For Windows 9


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